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Track every minute you spend in Gmail.
Bill for the time you spend in your inbox.
Be more productive!

Fully Integrated with Gmail

Gmail Time Tracker is fully integrated with your Gmail. There is nothing to download and no third-party website you have to visit to log your time or view reports. Instead, everything happens directly within Gmail.

Track All Time Spent in Gmail

You do not have to remember to turn the tracker “on” or “off.” Gmail Time Tracking runs automatically in the background, keeping track of all the time you spend reading or writing emails.

See Time Spent Reading and Replying

Easily see the total time you spend reading emails—along with the total time you spend composing new messages or responses.

Organize Reports by Senders and Recipients

View reports that show how much time you spend in email working with a specific sender (for example, reading or writing emails to one specific client). Data by senders and receivers shows automatically in your reports. No need to export to Excel!

Near Universal 5-Star Ratings

Gmail Time Tracker has almost universal 5-Star ratings from users who’ve downloaded it in Chrome.

Installs in Seconds

You can easily install Gmail Time Tracker in seconds from the Chrome Web store. Once installed, the tool will be seamlessly embedded into your Gmail or G Suite email account.

100% Free for Up to 7 Hours Per Month

A free plan is available for anyone with a Gmail account or a business email that’s hosted by G Suite. Install the free Gmail Time Tracker Chrome extension from the Chrome web store to get started. For unlimited tracking and additional features (Toggl integration, email and phone support), you can upgrade for just a few dollars a month.

How Are People Like Me Using Gmail Time Tracker?

Freelancers, Consultants, Doctors, Lawyers, Contractors and Other Professionals

Gmail Time Tracker is perfect if you exchange a lot of email with clients or customers. The tool lets you see exactly how much time you spend working with each customer via email.

Using that data, you can easily bill these hours to your client. If you’re not in the habit of tracking or billing time spent in email, just one or two hours a week captured this way can make a big difference in your overall revenue.

People Feeling Overwhelmed by Email

Feel overwhelmed by your email? Use Gmail Time Tracker to show your boss exactly how much time you’re having to spend working on email every week. Chances are, it’s much more time than anyone realizes.

Anyone Looking to Increase Productivity

Email can easily become a massive time sink for modern workers. If you’re interested in being more productive, Gmail Time Tracker can reveal whether your spending too much time working in email.